Friday, December 26, 2008

4d ultrasound

In just one week Cyrus has went from 2lbs 10 oz to 3lbs 3oz!!! he is in the 75 percentile in height and weight. His femur is over 30 cm lng which she said indicates he will probabaly be a long baby. He likes using my placenta as a pillow. His umbilical cord is in front of his face so it distorted the images a little. I drank sprite and ate m&M's befor eth eappointment hoping the carbonation and sugar would wake him up. but no such luck. I though the was awake because he was kicking every once in awhile but i guess he is just a crazy sleeper like his mama. any way here are some of the pics

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

the lights on our house

couldnt do much this year but we plan to stock up when they go on sale and do more next year. This will be our 4th christmas together but the first time we have been able to get a real tree and the first time we were able to decorate the outside of our house. (we lived in an apartment building on the 6th floor in Japan) It has been a wonderful holiday season for us this year.

christmas tree

28 week ultrasound

On December 19th we went in for our 28 week ultrasound Cyrus weighs aproximately 2lbs 10 oz and is aprox 13.8 inches long.However the length may not be totally accurate he was all curled up so it is hard to get a good estimation The first photo is a profile of his lil head. In the second cyrus has his mouth open and his arm reaching above his head. kind of looks like he is yawning. He's so cute.

20 week ultrasound pics

We finally have a working scanner and printer so here are some ultrasound pics. These are the pics from our 20 week.

Friday, November 28, 2008

25 weeks

Looks like I swallowed the entire turkey whole!!

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. Although we were unable to be with family, we still had a very good thanksgiving we went to elder and sisiter clawson's. Dinner was great and we had a good time visiting with everyone. we brought our camera but forgot to take pics sorry!!
We are getting ready for xmas now!!! I cant wait to put up a tree we are going to do that on Monday hopefully!! I love the christmas season!!!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

I am grateful for ...

Since I keep forgetting to update I will just finish the alphabet in one post
O: Oreos santa loves them!!!
P: I am grateful for the priesthood I have went to the priesthood for blessing of comfort often
Q: Queen ( the band) Tony did this one
R: rain to nourish our plants and land
S: syblings, life wouldnt be the same with out them
T: Tony he makes my life complete
U: ultrasounds so i can see my baby
V: violins they make beautiful music
W: water it is essential to life
X: xrays crucial for many diagnosis
Y: You: we are grateful for all of YOU!!!
Z: Zebra cakes Tony did this one too.

They got harder in the end so some of them are kinda weird sorry!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I am grateful for N

I am grateful for neighbors. It is always nice to have a neighbor to go to when you just need to chat or need support. and dont forget those brain fart moments when you start making cookies and realize you dont have quite enough sugar!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

i am grateful for M

I am grateful for Mothers. i am grateful for the selfless sacrifice of all mothers. A mothers love for her child is so amazing.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am grateful for L

I am grateful for love. with out love my life would be empty. Love is what keeps me going when I want to just give up. I am surrounded by so many people who love me and who i love as well. everyone shows there love differently but everyone does love. It is impossible to live without love.

I am grateful for K

Im glad I still need to do K because it fits perfect with my thoughts today. I am grateful for Kicks!!! I know it sounds kinda weird. I have been really sick this past week. On thursday the dr gave me some meds. the cough suppresant had codeine in it so it made our little one drowsy when I took it. he is normally a very active baby all i have to do is sit down lay down or get in the tub if i feel he hasnt been moving enough and there he goes on his kicking marathon. while i was sick i would take my meds and i think it knocked him out becasue he didnt move hardly at all. the meds made me a little drowsy but more sick than anything Tony thought i was crazy because after complaining of a stomach ache. I complained because he wasnt kicking me. He said "your stomach hurts and you want him to kick it??" I love feeling him it lets me know he is ok. I imagine what he is doing inside of my belly everytime i feel him. Is he flipping or just kicking and punching??? anyway that is why I am grateful for Kicks!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I am grateful for J

I am grateful for my husbands Job. My husband is a U.S. Marine. Not only am i grateful that he can work for such a good cause but Iam also grateful foir all the militray has done for us. our son's medical bills were millions of dollars and it was completely covered by our insurance. they were also very good about letting him off of work while while Gabriel was still alive. Being in the military we never have to worry about having a place to stay we will alwasy have a roof over our head and we do not have to worry about utilities. Iam grateful for all these benefits.

I am grateful for I

I couldnt think of anything else for "I". but i did already express my gratitude for my father in law. so i think i will just refer you back to my D post where i spoke of my father in law.

I am grateful for H

I am grateful for Home. To me a home is where you feel comfortable and cozy a place where as sson as you walk in you feel love. We may not own our own home but no matter where we are whether it be in military housing or a hotel before we moved in I have always felt at home and comfortable because it is somewhere we are staying together and our love makes it home. Home to me is also going home to see family it is always nice to stay with my fam for awhile. or at Tony's dads house. all of these places we call home.

I am grateful for G

I am grateful for Grandparents. My grandparents are all very special to me. I am very lucky to have so many still around who will soon get to meet our son. Grandparents share so much wisdom with us and alwasy welcoem us with open arms. I am lucky and my son is lucky that he wil have such great grandparents to be loved by.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I am Grateful for F

I am grateful for Faith. I am grateful for not only my Faith but for the faith of others.Through Faith we can get through anything.
I am Grateful for Family. Family is the most important thing to me. Family loves you despite your weaknesses and is always there for you when you need them.

I am grateful for E

I am grateful for Eyes. There are so many things in this life that I have seen that brought me joy. With out my eyes I would miss out on a lot of simple joys like the first time I saw my baby boy. or the first time I saw my husband hold our son. Or even each ultrasound we have recieved. Seeing my baby move is unbelieveable. or even simpler, the peace I feel when I see a rainbow or watching the sunset. I am grateful for all the beautiful things I have seen with my eyes. Without them I would have not been able to enjoy these things. Eyes never lie I am also grateful for the emotions expressed by our eyes. When my husband is trying his hardest to just be strong his eyes give me insight to know he needs me to comfort him.

I am grateful for D

I am grateful for Dad's. I am so proud to have such a hardworking and loving Dad. he does everything in his power to make sure his family has everyhting we need or want. and and would never allow us to go without. I am grateful for my dad's unconditional love and for always believing in me. I love spending time with my Dad and cherish all the memories I have with him. I have always looked up to him and have always trusted his opinion and always will. I know he would never steer me in the wrong direction. Thank you Dad for all your love and all you do for us I love you!!!

I am also grateful for my husbands Dad. He has so much compassion and love for us. He treats me as if i were his own daughter and I really appreciate how welcome he makes me feel in the family. He does so much for us and would never allow us to go with out. I am grateful for the morals he instilled in Tony which is what makes Tony such a wonderful Husband and Father today. Thank you for all you do for us we love you!!!

Tony wanted me to add he is grateful for dogs because he has someone to feed food he doesnt want ( inside joke a friend brought us some food we didnt like but felt to bad to throw it away) and he is grateful for diapers so he doesnt have to worry about getting pooped on. i think im grateful for those too LOL.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Happy birthday Tony!!!

Tony's birthday was on the 7th but he had to work most of the day. While he was gone I wrapped his presents and bought him a cake and made him a spaghetti candle light dinner. Here are pics of all his gifts cards and dinner

22 weeks

Is it just me or did I get alot bigger??? I know my back is starting to hurt alot more. Tony and I went to Fry's so he could spend his bday money and I had to have him keep rubbing my back while we were in line. Ive actually been pretty pain free for the most part until last night. With Gabriel my back had started hurting all the time much earlier than this. This time last year i had so much back pain I had went to the ER. They said I had bulging disks. Maybe im juts more use to it this time around. But I think it is about time to invest in a belly brace!!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

I am grateful for C

I am grateful for children. Children are the closest thing to perfect there is. They remind me how to love selflessly and not judge and also how to just enjoy life without worrying over every little thing.

I am grateful for B

I am grateful for beauty. There is beauty all around us. Beauty to me is anything that brings peace to your spirit. I see beauty in love, nature, music, words, acts of service, and many more things, too many to list. God gave us these things to enjoy and to soothe our spirit.

Im grateful for A

Im grateful for Angels. Sorry Missy I had to copy you on that one. I am aware now more than ever that we have angels watching over us all the time. God sends our loved ones back to us to help us through life even after they have passed on. I feel my Angel Gabriel's presence all the time. He is always looking down watching over us. He is our gaurdian angel and I will be forever grateful for that. I love you baby boy!!!!

Thanks melissa you inspired me!!!

For every day in November My friend Melissa has been writing something she is grateful for going in order through the alphabet. She was inspired by her sister and cousin and I was inspired by her. Im a little late so I have a little catching up to do as well. thanks for the inspiration Melissa. I am grateful for so many things and would love to share this with everyone.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mitzy and Goldie

Goldie is getting so big!!!

spider bite

yesterday Tony's finger swelled up and I was convined it was his body tryin gto get rid of a sliver , so I had him soke it in warm salt water. well the next day it was bigger and not any better so he had the corpsman at work look at it. they think he was either bit by a black widow or brown recluse. they cut it and drained the puss. now it is throbing all the way up his arm but they said that is normal. Im not so sure. The swelling has went down a little so I figured I better get the picture to show everyone before it went down anymore.It actually doesnt look very bad anymore. Tony has been in a lot of pain. but we are hoping it will be feeling better by tomorrow. heres the pretty pics.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ive been tagged

I am:so grateful I am once again pregnant:
I Know: My angel Gabriel is watching over us
I want: to have a healthy pregnancy and delivery
I have: a wonderful family
I dislike: hearing negative comments about others
I miss: My son
I feel: excitement and anticipation for the birth of our son
I hear: Melissa's blog music
I smell: chicken burrito yummy lunch
I crave: heath blizzard
I cry:over everything
I search: for ways to be a better person and wife daily
I wonder: who my baby will look like
I regret: the way I talk to my hubby at times
I love: my husband who has loved me at my worst and best and my family
I care: about all of you
I worry: about losing those that are close to me
I remember: when I first found out I was pregnant with both my babies
Ibelieve: Everything happens for a reason and we are never given more than we can handle
I dance: With my hubby and sometimes with the dogs (they like the peanut butter jelly song from family guy)
I don't: want to clean today
I argue: just to argue, sometimes I dont even agree with what im arguing about ( poor Tony)
I write: on my blog
I win: because I never give up
I lose: when I dont try
I wish: I lived closer to my fam
I listen: but dont always remember
I can usually be found: at home
I am scared: of getting a c-section
I need: to get all the way out of debt
I forget: that Tony needs comfort sometimes to
I am happy: with my life
I tag: Whitney Packer

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

21 weeks

My placenta has moved up!!

we had an ultrasound last week. My placenta has moved about 2.5 cm out of the way of my cervix so that was a relief to find out. Thank you all for your prayers!! I know they helped !! Our lil one weighed a pound at that ultrasound. I know baby's grow at different rates but i think he's gonna be chubby because my baby book says the baby should weigh about a pound at 23 weeks. so he is very very healthy!!! im feeling him move so much now. I love it!! when i lay in the bathtub I stare at my belly because I can see him move now. My favorite place is the bathtub it relieves all my aches and pains and there is nothing to distract me from his movements so i feel everything. I wonder if it feels any different to him since he is already surrounded by water???

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tony felt the baby kick!!!

Monday night tony and I were laying in bed talking. The baby was moving like crazy ( He is a night owl). I was really hoping tony would beable to feel but i was pretty sure he wouldnt bebale to. but we tried anyway. He couldnt feel very many of the movements. but then he let out a big kick and Tony actually felt it. It was so exciting for me. I ve been feeling him move for quite some time and all i wanted was for Tony to beable to share this experience. so it really meant alot to me. Its crazy when i feel him kick or move i get butterflies in my belly and goosebumps. It is so amazing that i am actually growing a baby inside of me right now. Life is such a miracle

appt rescheduled and our lil snow plow

our ultrasound was rescheduled for tonight so I wont be able to update about that until later. Not too much else has happened. We took goldie in to get spayed so she has been going crazy with the cone on her head. she has finally learned how to take it off so she doesnt really wear it anymore. she doesnt try to lick her stiches though so thats good. The hardest part is trying to keep her calm so she doesnt tear her stitches. she is still so hyper. She had an allergy to something so we were giving her benadryl 2x a day. and she was still hyper!! When she walked around the house with her cone on she would lower her head to the ground and just plow over evrything. Tony called her snowplow. It was cute. Other than that not much else is going on.

Friday, October 24, 2008

pregnancy update

I had another check up last week. I am seeing a new Dr. now, she seemed very confident which makes me feel much more comfortable. I asked her If I would still have to go on bed rest if my placenta hasn't pulled up by my next ultrasound and she said not unless I have more spotting or bleeding. but still know strenuous activity and no lifting anything above 5 pounds. But If I have one episode of bleeding or spotting I will probably be put on bed rest and watched even more closely. and if I bleed or spot a second time I will be hospitalized. So good news on no bed rest unless I bleed, but bad news if i bleed twice. I really don't want to be hospitalized. but I really feel like everything is going to be just fine. My next ultrasound is on the 28Th so we will see where it is then. hopefully it has moved to at least a marginal position.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Next task...

My next task is to get my hallway done. Ive hung Gabriel's large canvas painting above the book shelf but need to add more photos. Then I will have a picture wall across from that.

My bathroom

I found a great color fabric and decided to fix up my bathroom. I feel like its missing something but i will figure it out later. Im still looking for "show" towels that match to hang under picture. all the fabric really does match the light just makes it look different in the photo.

my new and improved dining room

I decided to make some curtains for my dining room. I think they turned out really cute. and we finally got stuff put on the wall. Im very happy with it so far. Now we just need to buy a table!!!

home decorating and fix up week

I have been busy this last week selling candles and trying to fix up my house. its not finished yet but here is the progress. here is the couch My dog decided to eat. I forgot to get a full before pic. but right after i started the filling i remembered so its the closest thing i have to a before pic.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Masonic lodge meeting

Here is a picture of my sweet hubby getting ready for a meeting at the masonic lodge. Doesn't he look handsome???

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Gabriel would have been 6 months old

Our precious baby boy would have been 6 months old tomorrow. We miss him so much. Time has went by fast, but at the same time it seems like eternity that we have been without him. But I know that we will be with him again. I will live everyday the best I can to ensure I see him again. I wanted to share a few more pics of him. which I will probably continue to do for quite some time or at least at every birthday. I hope his story continues to touch hearts and change lives. You can visit his website at type gabrielmele for website name and it should take you straight there. also I posted several pics and comments when i first started my blog so if you want to see more please check out my earlier posts.
In the first pic Tony was trying to let Gabriel's puppy Goldie come near Gabriel but at the same time he had to hold her back. She loved Gabriel so much she was just too excited when we let her near him that we always had to hold her back.
I love this 2nd picture because even near the end of his life he just still looked so perfect to me

I love this 3rd picture because of his crazy hairdo and the cutest look on his face. I think he was getting tired of all the pics.

Monday, September 29, 2008

16 weeks

Here is my 16 week pic. well actually it was taken 1 day earlier but close enough. This was the recliner Tony bought me for xmas last year. I love it !!! I love it even more this pregnancy than i did when I was pregnant with Gabriel and I didnt think that was possible. I have had a lot of round ligament pain from the stretching of my uterus and the recliner is the only thing that I can sit in comfortably!!! but I am thankful for the pain cuz that means my baby is growing!!! and its not too bad just annoying feels like ive pulled a muscle in my side every time I move.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hard day

Today and last night have been really hard for me. I dont know whats wrong with me but I just cant stop crying. I guess it started when i found out Previa was still present on thursday. Im just so afraid that something will happen to my baby. and Im taking out my fear on everyone by being downright mean or just crying all the time. I had ablessing today which has helped so far. plus ive been feeling the baby a little more frequently. I prayed all night that I would have a feeling of comfort that evrything is ok, and this morning the baby was very active and I could feel quite a bit. of course nothing strong ( I wouldnt notice it if i was moving around) and Tony cant feel it yet. but it was still comforting. I couldnt quit crying in sacrament meeting today. A baby was blessed and it just reminded me of when Gabriel was blessed. I started crying becasue im so afarid of somethign happening and not having the oppurtunity to do that with this baby. I think people believe my fear are unwarranted right now becasue there is still a chance for my placenta to move up. But it is overwhelming knowing what can happen if it doesnt. I feel like I did when Gabriel was in the NICU, Helpless. There is nothing I can do but wait and see what happens for now. Then after twenty weeks we can start taking action. I feel incompetant becasue soon my body may not be safe enough for my baby, and the smallest action like sneezing or coughing could cause bleeding and be potentially dangerous for me or baby. I know that is only when I get much further along and I dont really feel like that is going to happen. I know there might be problems but I know we will get through it and that everything will be as it is supposed to be.and I just dont really feel like this baby is going to be taken from us. but even being positive and having faith doesnt erase the fear I have inside of not being able to protect my baby.The feeling I have reminds me so much of Gabriel which just makes it harder. I miss him so much and would give anything to just beable to hold him again.

Please say a prayer for a couple of my friends

I have two friends who have received some not so great news and could really use some prayers. Tricia's daughter Emily was in The NICU with Gabriel in Okinawa. She was able to go home and was doing great but they just found out Emily has Fanconi's Anemia. It's a fatal blood disease. She's fine right now but she'll get leukemia when she gets older. If she survives that, she will have to battle different forms of cancer. Right now their life expectancy is in their 20's. I know there is nothing to cure this now but her family could use some prayers for comfort. Also My friend Melissa has a son In the NICU. He was born at 29 weeks and has been doing great. However today they found out he has blood in his brain. which is normal for many preemies and can resolve itself without any major problems but there is always that chance that it couold get worst and there is nothing they can do. If it gets worst it could result in his brain being altered or he could pass away. Please say prayers for this little man and his family.He has already endured so much and he is a fighter but the power of prayer is very strong and every prayer helps. Thank you all!! If you would like to show your support for Braden and his family this is their website

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Im so tired!!!

Today I went around my neighborhood and passed out invitations to my open house on Saturday. It was very hot and the weight of the pack was getting me a little breathless. I guess I'm more out of shape than I Thought LOL. Tony came along with the dogs and kept offering to carry it but i figured i better just carry it in case someone wanted to see the products. I met some very nice ladies that said they will be coming. There were about 4 of them so I'm excited. Most the others just took the info and said they would see if they could. and a few asked for a catalogue but said they wouldn't be able to come. Even if nobody buys anything I just hope people show up so that I can get to know more people here. In Okinawa I only had a few friends which was OK with me because I was working all the time until I got pregnant. But once i started staying ho9me it was hard. Thank goodness heather and Connie were always there to entertain me or else I probably would have went crazy. Tony went to a football game tonight with our neighbor. It was a college game at the qualcom san diego vs Idaho. he had just said a few days ago that even though he doesnt like football he would like to see a live game at the qualcom. well he got his wish. But now I want to go so i guess we will have to make it a date one of these days.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Dr appt

we had another appt Yesterday. I still have a complete previa. but it still isnt too big of a deal until I reach 20 weeks. so I am scheduled for another ultrasound in 5 weeks. If the placenta hasnt moved up by then I will be transfered to the high risk OB clinic and put on a modified bedrest. but unitl then just no lifting jogging or strenuous activity and no lovins for Tony.
I have signed up to be a consultant for scentsy candles so if you would like to purchase anything please let me know. My website is Im very excited and hope that I am successful in this. This week has been nice because tony has been off early almost every day. He is teaching a driving class and they are getting done very early. but things go back to normal on monday. I guess im on my own again for entertainment. Thats ok Ive got a lot to do anyway!!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Holy belly!!! 15 weeks

So here is my 15 week. My belly is growing so much faster this go around


So I had an ultrasound friday evening and The tech asked if we want to know the sex if she can tell so of course we said yes. He was so cute too watch. He was sucking his thumb and waving his hand and it even looked like he was blowing kisses a couple of times. Then she checks the sex she said well it looks like you are having a baby boy. I think tony was surprised becasue he was determined We were having a girl. We were so happy to hear we were having a boy except We dont have a name yet. we cant seem to agree on one. I like Jayden and Tony says he likes it but we will keep thinking. If you have any ideas throw them our way!!! Heres some pics of our little sunshine two profile and one where he is looking right at us waving. well at least thats what I say he is doing. He's probably really screaming let me out of here!!!

Our Jeep!!!

Heres our new Jeep!!! This will be the first vehicle tony and I have purchased together. Well we bought several in Okinawa but we knew we wouldnt beable to keep those for very long. Its just cheaper to sell them there than ship them back. But anyway... Our first family Vehicle!!! I love it!!!

visiting Idaho

I just returned from Idaho Thursday night. It was really nice to be home. We went camping for Kylers birthday. While going up the mountain on 4 wheelers we came across a huge tree that was blocking the path so My Dad and Tony (with a little help from Kyler and my cousin cassidy) had to chop it in half with an ax so it could be moved out of the way. They were exhausted!!! The ax was dull so it took quite a while but they finally got it done. we also took a family photo before Tony had to leave that following thursday. Then the day before I was supposed to leave (the 13th)We found a a jeep grand cherrokee special edition for wholesale price. sticker price is 16,ooo we got it for 10. I think the only reason we got such a good deal was becasue my dad had bought all of his vehicles from them. so anyway I stayed an extra week so I could buy and get it registered. Then Alaina and I drove to cali and she flew back this morning. The drive was long but it wasnt too bad. but I know Alaina was thankful she wouldnt be driving back.