Sunday, November 16, 2008

I am grateful for K

Im glad I still need to do K because it fits perfect with my thoughts today. I am grateful for Kicks!!! I know it sounds kinda weird. I have been really sick this past week. On thursday the dr gave me some meds. the cough suppresant had codeine in it so it made our little one drowsy when I took it. he is normally a very active baby all i have to do is sit down lay down or get in the tub if i feel he hasnt been moving enough and there he goes on his kicking marathon. while i was sick i would take my meds and i think it knocked him out becasue he didnt move hardly at all. the meds made me a little drowsy but more sick than anything Tony thought i was crazy because after complaining of a stomach ache. I complained because he wasnt kicking me. He said "your stomach hurts and you want him to kick it??" I love feeling him it lets me know he is ok. I imagine what he is doing inside of my belly everytime i feel him. Is he flipping or just kicking and punching??? anyway that is why I am grateful for Kicks!!!

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