Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My placenta has moved up!!

we had an ultrasound last week. My placenta has moved about 2.5 cm out of the way of my cervix so that was a relief to find out. Thank you all for your prayers!! I know they helped !! Our lil one weighed a pound at that ultrasound. I know baby's grow at different rates but i think he's gonna be chubby because my baby book says the baby should weigh about a pound at 23 weeks. so he is very very healthy!!! im feeling him move so much now. I love it!! when i lay in the bathtub I stare at my belly because I can see him move now. My favorite place is the bathtub it relieves all my aches and pains and there is nothing to distract me from his movements so i feel everything. I wonder if it feels any different to him since he is already surrounded by water???

1 comment:

Melissa Voss said...

Good. I'm so glad. I hope things continue to go well and you are still in my prayers. love ya