Wednesday, October 29, 2008

appt rescheduled and our lil snow plow

our ultrasound was rescheduled for tonight so I wont be able to update about that until later. Not too much else has happened. We took goldie in to get spayed so she has been going crazy with the cone on her head. she has finally learned how to take it off so she doesnt really wear it anymore. she doesnt try to lick her stiches though so thats good. The hardest part is trying to keep her calm so she doesnt tear her stitches. she is still so hyper. She had an allergy to something so we were giving her benadryl 2x a day. and she was still hyper!! When she walked around the house with her cone on she would lower her head to the ground and just plow over evrything. Tony called her snowplow. It was cute. Other than that not much else is going on.

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