Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines day at the zoo

Tony started my valentines day 5 days prior to valentines day. He said each day until V day i would either receive a gift or something telling me why he is in love with me. The first day I received a bouquet of roses 2ND day i received my massage along with a note telling me how much he appreciates me and all I do and for reminding him whats really important in life. The third day he took me to dinner and recreated how he proposed to me. The fourth day I received a bouquet of tulips. with a note that said You stand by me when you should leave. You love me when you should hate me. You take care of me when I should be alone. You will never understand how much that means to me and nothing in this world coul dever show you how much i love youbut floweres are a good start.I thought this was such a beautiful note it made me cry.
and for the last gift on V day we went to the zoo with a friend. The zoo was very special to me because even with all we were going through emotionally with Gabriel being sick in the hospital we took time out to take a short trip together to the zoo while Gabriel was in the Nicu. Although it wasn't a long trip It is evidence that even while going through the hardest thing we could ever imagine we still took time for each other and we kept each other strong.
I cant remember which night it was but one of the things he said made him fall in love with me was my occasional ditziness ( kinda embarrassing for me huh) He quoted my famous ditsy moment. "Is France in Paris??" any way he loves that about me so i guess my brain fart moments aren't that bad of a thing!!
Here are a few pics from the zoo and my beautiful flowers

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