My cute Lil Puppy!!!! we tried to teach him to say Arf but it didnt work out so well. lol he just looked at us and laughed.
we also took him to teh pumpkin patch teh week before halloween we decided which ever pumpkin he goes to first is teh one we will get him but he went to teh biggest one he could see so he coudl stand up to it lol so we picked his out for him. Maybe next year he can pick out his own. tried to get soem really good shots at the pumpkin patch but they werent teh bets it was so hard to find good light where peopel werent already walkign through but hey Cy still looks so cute!! he also got to help us carve them that night... well we let him play in the gunk anyway he didnt liek it at all!!! Pics to come they are on my friends cam.